Moshe Koussevitzky - TDK AR100 AZZ - Homemade K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 tikanto shabos    05:51 
1-2 kol dodi    04:23 
1-3 akavyo ben mehalalel    07:29 
1-4 sheyibone beis hamkdash    09:16 
1-5 leolom yeikei odom    06:30 
1-6 esso einai    05:16 
1-7 ad heino    09:08 
2-1 ashrey    04:50 
2-2 umipnei chatoeinu    04:30 
2-3 tzadik katomon    04:35 
2-4 av horachamim    10:19 
2-5 vnikesei domom    05:06 
2-6 mogen ovos    06:05 
2-7 der chazen und der gabay    04:08 
2-8 hashkiveinu    05:04 
2-9 kol nidrei    07:21