Sawel Kwartin - Zawel Kwartin 1 - Homemade K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 ki hinei kachomer    02:59 
1-02 kol mekadesh    03:05 
1-03 refoenu    02:54 
1-04 yisroel betach    02:53 
1-05 yismechu    03:13 
1-06 hayom haras olom    02:06 
1-07 haskivenu    05:49 
1-08 havein yakir li    03:09 
1-09 yhi rotzon    02:54 
1-10 vshomru    02:37 
1-11 kol hashem    02:40 
1-12 ray noh bonyanu    02:49 
1-13 yhallelu    02:48 
1-14 tzur yisroel    03:00 
1-15 oshamnu    03:15 
1-16 mi sheberach    00:50 
2-01 unsane tokef    03:17 
2-02 unsane tokef    03:28 
2-03 vchol maminim    02:24 
2-04 al chet    02:19 
2-05 geshem    02:50 
2-06 yishktabach    03:38 
2-07 adon olam    03:11 
2-08 lkel boruch    03:58 
2-09 hashem moloch    03:57 
2-10 ato yotzarto    04:07 
2-11 kaddish bei nileh    03:49 
2-12 achaynu kol beis yisroel    03:30 
2-13    04:00