Mikhail Alexandrovitch - A Kazendl Oyf Shabbos and Other Yiddish Folk Songs - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 a khazendl oyf shabbos    05:31 
1-2 Come Into the Circle    02:16 
1-3 varnitshkes    03:59 
1-4 Mashele my Friend    04:59 
1-5 Over Hills Through Valleys    03:00 
1-6 Childhood Days    03:52 
2-1 The Cantor and the Elder    05:43 
2-2 The In-Laws Dance    02:44 
2-3 Besides a Brooklet    03:16 
2-4 A Toast to Life    02:26 
2-5 Manasseh    05:05 
2-6 The Dreamer Shepherd    04:08