David Lefkowitz - The Fortieth Annual Service of Contemporary Liturgical Music - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-0 Side 1 Complete    22:48 
1-1 dimdumim    03:08 
1-2 ma tovu    02:48 
1-3 lekhu neranenah    01:06 
1-4 lekhah dodi    01:59 
1-5 tsadik katamar    02:49 
1-6 barekhu    02:56 
1-7 ahavat olam    03:01 
1-8 shema yisrael    00:41 
1-9 mi khamokhah    04:19 
2-0 Side 2 Complete    24:56 
2-1 hashkivenu    04:44 
2-2 veshamru    01:48 
2-3 hatsi kaddish    02:55 
2-4 amidah    02:01 
2-5 yiheyu leratson    02:07 
2-6 vayekhulu    01:21 
2-7 retsey    02:27 
2-8 kiddush    04:01 
2-9 yigdal    03:27