Jumbo Musical

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Kurenko Tango    02:20 
1-2 A Song to Peace    05:42 
1-3 A Ballad for Hedva and I    04:45 
1-4 Shabat Song    04:20 
1-5 The Birds    03:28 
1-6 We and You    02:47 
1-7 In a Red Dress    02:40 
2-1 Jumbo    02:51 
2-2 Efraim My Dear Son    04:26 
2-3 To Be Alone    04:19 
2-4 In a Sinai Settlement    05:12 
2-5 Come Down to Us    03:02 
2-6 Two Midgets    03:12