J.D.C. Male Choir of the Great Synagogue in Moscow - The Golden Pages of Religious Jewish Choral Music - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 s'u sheorum    02:32 
1-2 modim anachnu    07:55 
1-3 kicharti loch    04:18 
1-4 kadsheinu b'mitsvosecho    04:05 
1-5 hashem sechronu    05:33 
2-1 adon oylom    02:35 
2-2 pischu li    02:57 
2-3 heye im pifiyos    08:55 
2-4 areshes sefosenu - not on track list    02:02 
2-5 emes v'emuno    03:59 
2-6 halleluyo    02:10 
2-7 hatikva - not on track list    01:27