Saralee Shrell - Nobody Doesn't Like Singing - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 boker tov    01:42 
1-02 shehecheyanu    02:41 
1-03 shirei shabbat    03:06 
1-04 ma yafeh    02:26 
1-05 l'shana tova    01:32 
1-06 ner li    01:11 
1-07 leitzan katan    01:13 
1-08 hashkeidiya    01:08 
1-09 ma nishtana    02:23 
1-10 shirei shalom    01:58 
2-01 Way up in the Sky    00:54 
2-02 Aiken Drum    01:40 
2-03 Aida Mae    02:33 
2-04 I'm a Nut    01:05 
2-05 Alice the Camel    01:07 
2-06 Watermelon on the tune of Frere Jacques    00:42 
2-07 Tadpole    01:18 
2-08 If All The Raindrops    01:37 
2-09 Five Frogs    01:35 
2-10 I Want To Eat    01:29 
2-11 Shanke Another Hand    01:37