David Shneyer with Alan Oresky of the Fabrangen Fiddlers - Smokey Mountain Shabbes - K7 - Issue 2

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 ki heym    03:02 
1-2 dror yikra    02:01 
1-3 ohr zaruah    01:53 
1-4 shalom aleykhem    03:33 
1-5 verastikh li    02:05 
1-6 yomru na    02:28 
1-7 halleluyah 150    02:30 
2-1 menukha v'simkha    02:28 
2-2 hashomer shabbes    01:06 
2-3 eylekha    04:02 
2-4 ya ribon    03:52 
2-5 et dodim    02:09 
2-6 tzur mishelo    02:00 
2-7 naye lid    01:40