Sarit Hadad - Kmo Cinderella - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 kmo cinderella    03:26 
1-2 chamoti    03:40 
1-3 ksheani itach ani kmo dag    02:41 
1-4 haiti began eden    05:05 
1-5 yom shel ahava    03:34 
1-6 ladmeot yesh pe    04:41 
1-7 instrumental.aiff    02:03 
2-1 li shtei einaim.aiff    03:51 
2-2 perach bar    05:48 
2-3 ahava acheret    03:13 
2-4 tsipur chofshia    04:15 
2-5 welcome yasalam    03:50 
2-6 chaverim bekol minei tsvaim    03:21