Irina Fogelson - Sings Yiddish Hebrew Russian English - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 abi gezunt    02:18 
1-2 vunemtmen a bisele mazel    03:46 
1-3 hasidic medley    05:42 
1-4 a yiddishe momme    03:30 
1-5 My Melody of Love    03:56 
1-6 Otchi Tchornyia    03:56 
2-1 undzer nigndl    02:38 
2-2 ich hob dich tzufil lib    02:46 
2-3 Tango from Ghetto    02:40 
2-4 papirossn    03:56 
2-5 korobochka    02:30 
2-6 Those Were The Days    03:50