David Peller R2R Tapes - Reel E - Tape 23 7in

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
3-01 Barry Sisters Beltz    03:39 
3-02 Barry Sisters shein vi di levone    02:23 
3-03 Barry Sisters mein yiddishe momme    04:39 
3-04 Barry Sisters bet mich a bisele    02:25 
3-05 Barry Sisters Roumania    04:03 
3-06 Barry Sisters vi iz die gesele    03:31 
3-07 Barry Sisters rozhinkes un mandlin    03:29 
3-08 Barry Sisters abi gezunt    02:40 
3-09 Barry Sisters otchi chornia    03:25 
3-10 Barry Sisters ay ay hora    02:27 
3-11 Barry Sisters der alter tzigeuner    03:50 
3-12 Barry Sisters My Mother's Sabbath Candles    02:47 
3-13 Theodore Bikel achtsik er un zibetsik zi    04:13 
3-14 Theodore Bikel di mamme iz gegangen    00:59 
3-15 Theodore Bikel margaritkelech    02:42 
3-16 Theodore Bikel mu asapru    02:21 
3-17 Theodore Bikel lomir zich iberbeten    01:43 
3-18 Theodore Bikel homentashn    01:38 
3-19 Theodore Bikel a chazn oyf shabes    01:58 
3-20 Theodore Bikel reyzle    03:10 
3-21 Theodore Bikel tumbalalayka    01:46 
3-22 Theodore Bikel Dona Dona    02:20 
3-23 Theodore Bikel unter a kleyn beymele    02:15 
3-24 Theodore Bikel der fisher    03:29 
3-25 Theodore Bikel drei yingelech    01:04 
3-26 Theodore Bikel az der rebbe zingt    03:02 
3-27 Theodore Bikel di zun vet arunter geyn    02:57 
3-28 Theodore Bikel hulyet hulyet kinderlech    02:08 
3-29 Theodore Bikel lomir alle zingen    03:14 
3-30 Theodore Bikel a zemer    02:54 
3-31 Theodore Bikel der rebbe elimelech    02:52 
3-32 Theodore Bikel di yontevdike teyg    03:16 
3-33 Theodore Bikel sha shtil    01:38 
3-34 Theodore Bikel di ban    01:15 
3-35 Theodore Bikel kum aher du filozof    02:45 
3-36 Theodore Bikel di mezinke    01:46 
3-37 Marvin Kurz shein vi di levone    01:20 
3-38 Marvin Kurz Beltz    01:20 
3-39 Marvin Kurz mazel    00:54 
3-40 Marvin Kurz shloimale mlakale    01:37 
3-41 Marvin Kurz bei mir bist du shein    01:58 
3-42 Marvin Kurz rumania rumania    03:27 
3-43 Marvin Kurz eshes chayil    01:56 
3-44 Marvin Kurz ich vil zich shpilen    00:46 
3-45 Marvin Kurz yosel yosel    00:47 
3-46 Marvin Kurz oy mama    01:35 
3-47 Marvin Kurz mein yiddishe maidele    00:58 
3-48 Marvin Kurz tzena tzena parody    01:23 
3-49 Mark Olf jankoye    01:54 
3-50 Aaron Lebedeff mazel tov yidden    03:09 
3-51 Theodore Bikel mot'l    02:34 
3-52 Theodore Bikel a fiddler    01:31 
3-53 Ben Bonus a yid a shmidt    02:07 
3-54 Ben Bonus freilicher chassid    01:53 
3-55 Ben Bonus af'n veg shteyt a boym    03:09 
3-56 Ben Bonus ich bin mir a shneiderl    02:58 
3-57 Ben Bonus Beggar Song    05:07 
3-58 Ben Bonus sha sh'til    03:09 
3-59 Raasche a mayse    04:11 
3-60 Martha Schlamme viegendick a fremd kind    01:35 
3-61 Nira Rabinovitz Shlomo Nitzan kol rina viyeshua    02:01 
3-62 Nira Rabinovitz Shlomo Nitzan nigun simcha    01:52 
3-63 Nira Rabinovitz Shlomo Nitzan geit arain nechamalach    02:35 
3-64 Nira Rabinovitz Shlomo Nitzan chayei hakaiser    03:49 
3-65 Nira Rabinovitz Shlomo Nitzan hava nezamera    03:10 
3-66 chiribim    04:10 
3-67 Seymour Rockoff der moiled vet zein    02:17 
3-68 Jan Peerce di toire    01:37 
3-69 Jan Peerce a nigun    03:09 
3-70 Jan Peerce tog ein tog ois    03:57 
3-71 lomir sich iberbeten    02:58 
3-72 Alberstein Burstein artzik er un zibetzik zi    01:23 
4-01 Stanley Laudan belz    04:39 
4-02 Yaffa Yarkoni Rumania    03:06 
4-03 Barry Sisters nayem sher    02:58 
4-04 Barry Sisters tumbalalayka    02:42 
4-05 Barry Sisters eshes chail    03:11 
4-06 The New Light aleh yiddin    03:58 
4-07 Theodore Bikel a chasene tantz    02:20 
4-08 Theodore Bikel doina    03:01 
4-09 Theodore Bikel di grine kuzine    02:10 
4-10 Theodore Bikel a pintale    03:57 
4-11 Theodore Bikel kalt vaser    03:06 
4-12 Barry Sisters chiribim    02:33 
4-12 Theodore Bikel mechateneste maine    02:14 
4-13 Theodore Bikel belz    03:13 
4-14 Barry Sisters a chassene    03:00 
4-15 Sholom Secunda shein vi di levone    02:14 
4-16 Sholom Secunda tsig tsigetsopl    02:04 
4-17 Sholom Secunda oy mame    01:19 
4-18 Chava Alberstein avremele der marvicher    04:44 
4-19 Chava Alberstein di mezinke    01:49 
4-20 Chava Alberstein lullinke mein feigale    02:56 
4-21 Chava Alberstein der tzigeiner und sein fidele    04:05 
4-22 Chava Alberstein der kishenever gezang    02:37 
4-23 Chava Alberstein ofn veg    03:28 
4-24 Chava Alberstein hulyet hulyet kinderlach    02:22 
4-25 Ben Bonus a yid a shmidt    02:04 
4-26 Ben Bonus avraim'l marvicher    04:44 
4-27 Ben Bonus freilicher chassid    01:49 
4-28 Ben Bonus doina    03:25 
4-29 Ben Bonus oif'n veg shtait a boim    03:02 
4-30 Ben Bonus ich bin mir a schneider'l    02:53 
4-31 Ben Bonus sha shtil    03:04 
4-32 Mordechai Ben David shabbos    03:51 
4-33 Klezmer Conservatory Band in odess    03:03 
4-34 Klezmer Conservatory Band der alte tzigayner    01:19 
4-35 Klezmer Conservatory Band    03:11 
4-36 Klezmer Conservatory Band oy avrom    02:43 
4-37 Chava Alberstein Reysele    02:39 
4-38 Chava Alberstein drei techterel    03:46