London School of Jewish Song - Borchi Nafshi At Di

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
Al Naharos Bovel [al naharot bavel]    06:54 
Al Tis'hallel [al tithalel]    02:32 
Bain Mailitz [beEyn melitz yosher]    04:36 
Bamorom [baMarom]    03:52Joel Portnoy 
Borchi Nafshi [barchi nafshi]    04:01 
Eitz Chayyim [etz chayim]    05:30 
Hallelukoh [haleluka]    03:48Joel Portnoy, Jonathan Chaimovic 
Mareh Kohen    04:07Joel Portnoy, Alan Nevies 
Shalom    06:02 
Taaleh Arukho [taale arucha]    05:00 
Yekum Purkon [yekum purkan]    03:46