Anim Smirot Quartette - The Four Wonder Children in Israel

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
01 Ashrei Yoshvei Beit'ha    03:02The Aneem Zmirot group 
02 Aneem Zmirot    05:30The Aneem Zmirot group 
03 Al Tira'a Mipahad Pitom    03:35The Aneem Zmirot group 
04 Esa Eini    02:49The Aneem Zmirot group 
05 Hashem Oz Le'Amo Yiten    03:44The Aneem Zmirot group 
06 Harachman    03:49The Aneem Zmirot group 
07 Vetachazinah    04:56The Aneem Zmirot group 
08 Laner Ve lebesamim    02:23The Aneem Zmirot group 
09 Shemah Israel    04:38The Aneem Zmirot group 
10 Sheyebneh Beit Hamikdash    03:41The Aneem Zmirot group