Ruth Rubin - Sings Yiddish Folk Songs

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
Betlers    02:17Ruth Rubin 
Bin Ich Mir A Shnayderl    02:21Ruth Rubin 
Far Vos Zol Zayn Mayn Chosn A Soldat    02:04Ruth Rubin 
Hey Tsigelech    02:15Ruth Rubin 
Hober Un Korn    02:17Ruth Rubin 
Hot Zich Mir Di Shich Tserisn    01:10Ruth Rubin 
In Toyznt Acht Hundert Nayn Un Nayntsigstn Yor    01:39Ruth Rubin 
Kayn Kotsk Fort Men Nisht    02:33Ruth Rubin 
Mayn Yingele    02:43Ruth Rubin 
Ot Azoy Neyt a Shnayder    01:16Ruth Rubin 
Oy A Nacht A Sheyne    03:50Ruth Rubin 
Shlof shlof shlof    02:27Ruth Rubin 
Shwartse Karshelech Raysn Mir    02:38Ruth Rubin 
Vos Hostu mir Opgeton    01:31Ruth Rubin 
Yugnt Hymn    02:01Ruth Rubin 
Zayt Mir Gezint Chovertes Ale    01:54Ruth Rubin