Tszililey Hakerem - Bezochri Yamim Yemima

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
Ayelet Hen [ayelet chen]    05:00Diklon and Ben-Mosh 
Badade Erea Tsoni [badad er'e tzoni]    04:21Diklon and Ben-Mosh 
Bezokri Yamim [beZochri yamim yemima]    03:28Diklon and Ben-Mosh 
Hacohave [haKochav]    03:52Diklon and Ben-Mosh 
Hasida Tshora [chasida tzechora]    04:19Diklon and Ben-Mosh 
Hazara Lamutav    07:27Diklon and Ben-Mosh 
Hofshi ume'ushar, chanale hitbalbela, heviani el beyt haYayin, elecha ekra (4 songs segue)    09:11Diklon and Ben-Mosh 
Namae [naama]    03:08Diklon and Ben-Mosh