Vistas of Israel programs 351 and 352

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
351-01 program intro    00:48 
351-02 intro JFK memorial    00:14 
351-03 Fanfare    00:43 
351-04 intro Earl Warren    00:31 
351-05 Earl Warren's speech    02:21 
351-06 intro Edward Kennedy    01:11 
351-07 Edward Kennedy's speech    00:33 
351-08 Voices of the attendance    00:40 
351-09 Mrs Mealy    00:59 
351-10 John McDevett    01:00 
351-11 Prayer    01:15 
351-12 intro Earl Warren    00:15 
351-13 end Earl Warren's speech    01:43 
351-14 credits    00:08 
351-15 program conclusion    00:49 
352-01 program intro    00:48 
352-02 prayer    00:12 
352-03 spring    00:36 
352-04 song    01:12 
352-05 spiel    00:46 
352-06 song    01:59 
352-07 intro Geula Gill    00:08 
352-08 Shir Hayayin    02:20 
352-09 intro Geula Gill    00:44 
352-10 intro to Persian son    00:29 
352-11 Persian Wedding Song    02:26 
352-12 Spiel song    01:57 
352-13 program conclusion    00:45 
Program 351    13:14 
Program 352    14:24