Vistas of Israel programs 379 and 380

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
379-01 Program intro    00:48 
379-02 intro Nahal    01:18 
379-03 Mahar fragment    00:44 
379-04 spiel    01:00 
379-05 Geshen Bo    01:57 
379-06 spiel    00:30 
379-07 Mi she chalam    03:17 
379-08 spiel    01:04 
379-09 Kum lech el Nineveh    02:56 
379-10 program conclusion    00:47 
380-01 program intro    00:48 
380-02 intro Jaffa report    02:21 
380-03 interview Dan Barli    00:27 
380-04 interview Uri Osha    00:47 
380-05 Dan Barli    00:11 
380-06 unknown speaker    00:15 
380-07 architect    01:41 
380-08 2nd architect    01:11 
380-09 a few residents of Jaffa    01:23 
380-10 why live in Jaffa    01:28 
380-11 residents talk    01:17 
380-12 more residents    00:38 
380-13 spiel    00:15 
380-14 song spiel    01:10 
380-15 program conclusion    00:19 
Program 379    14:26 
Program 380    14:17