Vistas of Israel programs 127 and 128

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
127-1 Program intro    00:56 
127-2 intro    00:28 
127-3 Cinderella 1    02:13 
127-4 Cinderella 2    02:04 
127-5 Cinderella 3    01:14 
127-6 Cinderella 4    01:36 
127-7 Cinderella 5    04:08 
127-8 Concluding spiel    01:43 
128-10 Concluding spiel    01:59 
128-1 Program intro    00:55 
128-2 intro    00:34 
128-3 Al Tira    02:16 
128-4 intro    00:23 
128-5 Eretz Zaved Khalav    02:33 
128-6 intro    00:16 
128-7 Boa Dodi    02:36 
128-8 inro    00:23 
128-9 David Melech Israel Chi    02:25 
Program 127    14:43 
Program 128    14:25