Vistas of Israel programs 525 and 526

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
525-01 program intro    00:19 
525-02 Poets songs intro    00:21 
525-03 Song    02:23 
525-04 intro Mati Caspi    00:25 
525-05 song    02:35 
525-06 intro Dudaim    00:23 
525-07 Song    02:51 
525-08 spiel    00:14 
525-09 song    03:16 
525-10 Program conclusion    00:41 
526-01 Program intro    00:18 
526-02 intro spiel    00:52 
526-03 intro Eli Zieff    00:09 
526-04 interview with Eli Zieff    01:56 
526-05 int Avraham Shohe    00:23 
526-06 intervew Avraham Shohe    03:09 
526-07 Interview Moti Sharo    00:52 
526-08 interview Michael    01:56 
526-09 young British Immigrant    00:18 
526-10 Interview Sid Katsen    01:22 
526-10 intro Sid Katsen    00:31 
526-11 a resident's impression    00:28 
526-12 Negev song    01:14 
526-13 Program conclusion    01:05 
Program 525    13:31 
Program 526    14:37