Vistas of Israel Programs 595 and 596

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
595-01 Program intro    00:18 
595-02 intro Tadmor Hotel    00:15 
595-03 report intro    00:46 
595-04 Alvic Suprune interview    01:56 
595-05 Baking class    00:08 
595-06 Charles Fuchs interview    01:39 
595-07 Yoav Nussbaum interview    01:00 
595-08 Yitzhack    01:21 
595-09 introducing the chef    00:13 
595-10 interview with the chef    01:08 
595-11 intro management course    00:11 
595-12 Jeannine Bernholtz    00:39 
595-13 Judy Wein interview    02:35 
595-14 Yitzhack again    01:03 
595-15 Program conclusion    01:20 
596-01 Program intro    00:17 
596-02 Intro 8th Zimria festival    00:13 
596-03 spiel on the festival    01:09 
596-04 intro Danish Choir    00:19 
596-05 Marind Vandberg interview    01:35 
596-06 spiel    00:09 
596-07 Brita Polka    01:40 
596-08 Intro Italian Choir    00:18 
596-09 Kurt Dubiensk interview    00:37 
596-10 Green Valley    03:11 
596-11 Intro South Africa    00:20 
596-12 Louis Von De Vistose    01:17 
596-13 intro Afrikans song    00:07 
596-14 Afrikans Clock song    02:26 
596-15 program conclusion    01:10 
Program 595    14:42 
Program 596    14:55