NFTY - Songs NFTY Sings VI - Hold Fast To Dreams

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 V eyzehu    03:26 
1-2 Oseh Shalom    03:16 
1-3 All the World Sings To You    02:18 
1-4 Yom Zeh L Yisrael    02:46 
1-5 Ivdu et Hashem    01:30 
1-6 Avot    02:12 
1-7 Shehashalom Shelo    02:15 
1-8 Bir-Chot Havdalah    03:26 
1-9 Let The Heavens Be Glad    01:40 
2-1 Heyveynu    03:07 
2-2 Light One Candle    04:32 
2-3 Esa Eynai    03:13 
2-4 May The Words    03:12 
2-5 Mah Tovu    02:55 
2-6 L cha Dodi    01:39 
2-7 L olam B ik-vot Hashemesh    02:23 
2-8 Hold Fast To Dreams    04:16