Yankel Erblich - Shalom Alechem K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 shalom aleichem    04:43Yankel Erblich 
1-2 shomer yisroel    05:25Yankel Erblich 
1-3 hit up dus bisele koach    04:48Yankel Erblich 
1-4 bnei beischa    03:09Yankel Erblich 
2-1 a yidish lidl    03:51Yankel Erblich 
2-2 yavo adir v'igaleinu    04:03Yankel Erblich 
2-3 samcheinu    06:30Yankel Erblich 
2-4 gezegenen    03:55Yankel Erblich