Joy of the Shabbath Issue 2

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-10 Having drunk    00:34 
1-11 Ya Reebon    01:44 
1-12 God of the world    01:14 
1-13 Tsur Mishelo    02:48 
1-14 evening and morning    00:20 
1-15 Yismechu    02:32 
1-1 Mizmor leShabbat    03:41 
1-1 Shabbat Hamalka    03:09 
1-2 According to legend    00:32 
1-3 Lichvod    02:31 
1-4 Shabbath is the pivot    00:54 
1-5 L cha Dodi    02:42 
1-6 Prayers are over    00:44 
1-7 Eshet Chayil    03:23 
1-8 let her work praise her    00:18 
1-9 Kiddush    01:12 
2-10 Sleep on Shabbath    00:24 
2-11 Ata Echad    02:28 
2-12 Third meal    01:36 
2-13 Dror Yikra    03:13 
2-14 the First 3 stars    00:29 
2-15 Eliahu Hanavee    03:14 
2-2 The Jewish people    00:42 
2-3 Reading of the Torah    01:03 
2-4 After reading the Torah    00:18 
2-5 Uve yom Hashabbat    02:51 
2-6 Exalted    00:44 
2-7 Yom ze Mechubad    02:34 
2-8 Saying grace    00:12 
2-9 Hinenee Muchan    02:06