Cameri Theater - The King and the Cobbler - Issue 1

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
2-6    04:04 
Cobbler's Song    02:13Iliy Gorlitzky (Shalmai) 
Finale    02:14The Company 
He's Like All Of Them    01:24Yona Attari (Naama) 
Hora    01:56The Company 
I'm Alone    01:56Illy Gorlitzky (Shalmai) 
It's a Scandal    01:32Rahel Attas (Nofrit) 
Making Peace    04:04Yona Attari (Naama) and Illy Gorlitzky (Shalmai) 
Song of Vengeance    02:30Rahel Attas (Nofrit) 
That's My Man - The Wise and The Foolish    05:49Yona Attari (Naama) - Yehuda Fuchs (Lemeh), Dani Litai (Reuven), Avraham Halfi (Asher), Esther Green 
That's Not My Style    03:47Yona Attari (Naama) 
The Quarrel    03:27Rahel Attas (Nofrit) and Yona Attari (Naama) 
The Sun of Moph    05:10Rahel Attas (Nofrit) 
To The Fields    02:27The Company