Bulat Okudzhava

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
About an old king    02:48Bulat Okudzhava 
About Nurse Maria    02:12Bulat Okudzhava 
About the main song    02:22Bulat Okudzhava 
A Sentimental Romance    02:10Bulat Okudzhava 
A woman has stopped loving me    00:55Bulat Okudzhava 
A Wonderful Waltz    02:51Bulat Okudzhava 
Everything here is hidden by darkness    02:02Bulat Okudzhava 
Four Years    02:02Bulat Okudzhava 
In the Arbat Courtyard    01:29Bulat Okudzhava 
Not Hoboes and not Drunkards    01:52Bulat Okudzhava 
On Duty in April    01:45Bulat Okudzhava 
The Danish King's Cough Drops    01:40Bulat Okudzhava 
The Guards of Love    02:12Bulat Okudzhava 
The Komsomol Goddess    02:11Bulat Okudzhava 
There are very few real people    01:28Bulat Okudzhava 
The Roosters Shouted all Night    01:17Bulat Okudzhava 
Violent and stubborn burn fire burn    02:34Bulat Okudzhava 
Why have we gone over to Thou    02:18Bulat Okudzhava