Israel Defense Forces - Zahal - Mamlechet haMarsh (The Kingdom of Marches)

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 The Peace March    02:30 
1-2 Longing for Israel    03:34 
1-3 Margalit    02:36 
1-4 The Farewell March    03:00 
1-5 Tomer    02:37 
1-6 Israel March    01:51 
2-1 This is My Land    02:28 
2-2 The Young Ones    03:26 
2-3 techelet-lavan    02:22 
2-4 Sergeant-Major Shula    02:20 
2-5 Golani March    01:54 
2-6 Zahal on the March    03:39