Various Yiddish Israeli and Cantorial - Homemade K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 shir sameach    01:47 
1-02 rei rachel rei    03:30 
1-03 bachurim bachurot    02:15 
1-04 Jerusalem    02:44 
2-01 avre tu puerta    02:18 
2-02 al tiro avdy yakov    05:58 
2-03 yosel ber    02:20 
2-04 yoshke fuhrt avek    02:28 
2-05 zug mir tsi    03:20 
2-06 klezmerel    03:32 
2-07 drei techterlech    03:07 
2-08 papir is doch weiss    03:07 
2-09 tehiloth    04:31 
2-10 eliahu hanovy    04:25 
2-11 emeth vemunoh    03:11 
2-12 a freilich    02:11 
2-13 veulai    02:28 
2-14 Yemenite Song    02:02