Purim Songs - Issue 2

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 I'm Purim    01:03 
1-2 We have a Holiday    00:55 
1-3 Little Clown    00:38 
1-4 Rabbi Elimelech    01:55 
1-5 Hokus Pokus    02:05 
1-6 Dr Doolittle    03:13 
1-7 Masquerade    05:45 
2-1 Purim    01:00 
2-2 Clowns    01:05 
2-3 A Purim Streed Band    01:03 
2-4 Supercalifragilistic    02:05 
2-5 Puppet Theatre    01:37 
2-6 Anat Loves Parties    02:04 
2-7 Purim Gifts    02:10 
2-8 The Rose of Jacob    01:02