Cantorial Council of America - 1995 CCA Convention - Boxed HMK7 set

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-00 Arie Subar Shacharit for Shabbat - Side 1 Complete    47:04 
1-01 talk    02:34 
1-02 song    02:07 
1-03 talk    00:52 
1-04 song    02:08 
1-05 talk    00:39 
1-06 song    02:35 
1-07 talk    03:08 
1-08 musical examples    06:44 
1-09 talk    02:40 
1-10 song    02:17 
1-11 talk    02:25 
1-12 song    01:48 
1-13 talk    00:47 
1-14 song    00:48 
1-15 talk    03:48 
1-16 song    02:25 
1-17 talk    02:32 
1-18 song    04:55 
1-19 talk    00:53 
1-20 song    01:08 
2-00 Arie Subar Shacharit for Shabbat - Side 2 Complete    07:28 
2-01 talk    01:07 
2-02 song    02:44 
2-03 talk    00:43 
2-04 musical examples    00:59 
2-05 conclusion    01:58 
3-00 Shacharit K Chaitovsky Musaf S Goffin - Side 1 Complete    35:55 
3-01 Part 1    12:17 
3-02 Part 2    04:02 
3-03 Part 3    19:36 
4-00 Shimon Kugel - Side 1 Complete    40:25 
4-01 introduction    01:52 
4-02 song    02:48 
4-03 song    05:28 
4-04 song    06:34 
4-05 song    05:12 
4-06 song    05:53 
4-07 song    05:13 
4-08 song    05:56 
4-09 conclusion    01:11 
5-00 Master Class with D Bagley 1 - Side 1 Complete    46:23 
5-01 talk    09:54 
5-02 song    03:55 
5-03 talk    02:01 
5-04 talk with musical examples    11:23 
5-05 talk    04:28 
5-06 song    06:46 
5-07 talk    00:29 
5-08 talk with musical examples    07:32 
6-00 Master Class with D Bagley 1 - Side 2 Complete    31:58 
7-00 Master Class with D Bagley 2 - Side 1 Complete    16:20 
7-01 talk    01:10 
7-02 song    04:22 
7-03 talk    00:21 
7-04 talk with musical examples    10:48 
8-00 Gala Concert - Side 1 Complete    44:00 
8-01 introductions    04:25 
8-02 zochreinu leChaim    07:40 
8-03 talk    00:54 
8-04 iru eneinu    09:34 
8-05 talk    02:39 
8-06 song    08:10 
8-07 talk    00:32 
8-08 aneinu    09:33 
8-09 talk    00:23 
9-00 Gala Concert - Side 2 Complete    35:25 
9-01 introductions    01:16 
9-02 song    05:27 
9-03 talk    00:24 
9-04 song    05:24 
9-05 talk    02:07 
9-06 song    06:45 
9-07 talk    00:46 
9-08 song    09:51 
9-09 talk    00:57 
9-10 song    01:38 
9-11 sounds    00:38