Chaskele Ritter - David Bagley - Sol Zim - Moshe Ganchoff - The Great Cantors Concert 4-1-90 Part I - HMK7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-0 Side 1 Complete    45:21 
1-1 Intruduction    10:09 
1-2 der yid in shul    06:11 
1-3 introduction    01:21 
1-4 hinenei muchan    06:27 
1-5 introduction    00:36 
1-6 modim anachnu    09:34 
1-7 introduction    01:40 
1-8 a chazendal oif shabbos    09:10 
2-0 Side 2 Complete    47:18 
2-1 ani maamin    08:18 
2-2 introduction    01:46 
2-3 a dit torah mit gott    04:14 
2-4 introduction    00:34 
2-5 shema yisrael    10:42 
2-6 introduction    02:08 
2-7 Papa's Song    09:36 
2-8 announcement    00:22 
2-9 Israeli Chassidic Medley    06:19