David Werdyger - The Best Cantorial Master Pieces of Cantor David Werdyger - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 oz bekoil    04:36 
1-2 sim schalom    07:14 
1-3 ov hurachmon    10:08 
1-4 keil mulei    06:18 
1-5 shema yisrael    05:22 
2-1 ov hurachmon    07:39 
2-2 vechoil maminim    06:20 
2-3 ribono shel olam    04:42 
2-4 u'vchein    03:48 
2-5 shuvi nafshi    05:30 
2-6 udom yesoido    06:35 
2-7 elokai ad sheloi notzarti    03:38