Cantors Assembly - 1991 Cantors Assembly Conference Tape 24A - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
24A-1-00 Side 1 Complete    44:58 
24A-1-01 program intro    00:15 
24A-1-02 talk    10:11 
24A-1-03 song    02:02 
24A-1-04 lecture    08:36 
24A-1-05 song    01:45 
24A-1-06 introductions    01:39 
24A-1-07 song    05:06 
24A-1-08 introducing Aminadav Aloni    00:14 
24A-1-09 song    05:06 
24A-1-10 song    05:08 
24A-1-11 turn tape around    00:09 
24A-2-00 Side 2 Complete    40:12 
24A-2-01 song    02:20 
24A-2-02 song    06:19 
24A-2-03 song    06:34 
24A-2-04 song    06:58 
24A-2-05 talk    00:42 
24A-2-06 song    07:37 
24A-2-07 special awards    06:03 
24A-2-08 end of tape    00:20