Vistas of Israel 507-508

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
507-01 program intro    00:18 
507-02 intro Sassy Keshet    00:44 
507-03 The light is sweet    03:09 
507-04 intro Arik Einstein    00:18 
507-05 You I will change    03:18 
507-06 intro Hedva David    00:25 
507-07 I dream of Naomi    02:53 
507-08 intro Yigal Bashan    00:26 
507-09 Matok matok    02:40 
507-10 program conclusion    00:41 
508-01 program intro    00:19 
508-02 intro Yafa Yarkoni    00:28 
508-03 song    02:35 
508-04 spiel    00:31 
508-05 song    02:15 
508-06 spiel    00:19 
508-07 Brunette    02:56 
508-08 spiel    00:25 
508-09 It s not yet over    02:28 
508-10 spiel    00:06 
508-11 Granny and I    01:17 
508-12 program conclusion    00:36 
Program 507    14:53 
Program 508    14:20