Vistas of Israel 549-550

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
549-01 program intro    00:18 
549-02 intro Ophira Gvuska    01:16 
549-03 Esterite Abarbanel    02:27 
549-04 intro Boaz Sharabi    00:28 
549-05 You are a riddle to    02:09 
549-06 intro Moshe Hillel    00:37 
549-07 beauty is not worthl    02:19 
549-08 intro Uri Shevach    00:41 
549-08 Ir Kala    02:39 
549-09 program conclusion    00:56 
550-01 program intro    00:18 
550-02 intro army variety e    01:09 
550-03 Misaviv lamedura    02:27 
550-04 spiel    00:25 
550-05 Haaretz sheli    02:26 
550-06 spiel    00:45 
550-07 parachute folders    02:01 
550-08 spiel    00:20 
550-09 Haish mehabika    03:24 
550-10 program conclusion    00:40 
Program 549    13:53 
Program 550    14:01