Vistas of Israel 513-514

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
513-01 program intro    00:18 
513-02 intro Hava Alberstei    01:00 
513-03 Letter from Mom    04:51 
513-04 intro Igal Bashan    00:17 
513-05 Letter    02:12 
513-06 intro Ron Nama    00:11 
513-07 Will it never come    01:58 
513-08 spiel    00:13 
513-09 To Rabi Shnel Zelman    02:55 
513-10 program conclusion    00:44 
514-01 program intro    00:18 
514-02 intro Shevave Tzion    00:35 
514-03 to be with you    04:08 
514-04 intro Hava Alberstei    00:27 
514-05 song    02:15 
514-06 spiel    00:28 
514-07 dont say no    02:20 
514-08 intro Arik einstein    00:07 
514-09 song    02:21 
514-10 program conclusion    01:24 
Program 513    14:40 
Program 514    14:28