Vistas of Israel 561-562

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
561-01 Program intro    00:18 
561-02 Oh what a port 1    00:30 
561-03 spiel    00:25 
561-04 Oh what a port 2    01:54 
561-05 spiel    00:18 
561-06 strike song    02:13 
561-07 spiel    00:24 
561-08 Rivalry song    01:57 
561-09 Shne Haverim    01:54 
561-10 spiel    00:11 
561-11 happy end song frag    00:59 
561-12 program conclusion    02:15 
562-01 Program intro    00:18 
562-02 spiel    00:50 
562-03 Mi Darom    03:25 
562-04 spiel    00:48 
562-05 Chof Yam Baluza    02:43 
562-06 spiel    00:23 
562-07 Eretz Israel Yaffa    02:44 
562-08 spiel    00:16 
562-09 101st floor    02:57 
562-10 program conclusion    00:21 
Program 561    13:28 
Program 562    14:49