Vistas of Israel 563-564

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
563-01 Program intro    00:19 
563-02 intro Yeoram Gaon    00:51 
563-03 The Mediterannean    02:10 
563-04 intro Darom Duo    00:29 
563-05 Hakotel the wall    02:43 
563-06 intro Shulit Harold    00:15 
563-07 L amidbar    02:31 
563-08 spiel    00:23 
563-09 Facing Mt Sinai    02:29 
563-10 Program conclusion    02:16 
564-01 Program intro    00:19 
564-02 intro Naomi Shemer    01:45 
564-03 Like the Jordan rive    02:32 
564-04 spiel    00:32 
564-05 Let s go to the Kere    01:29 
564-06 spiel    00:33 
564-07 Sixteen    02:10 
564-08 spiel    00:30 
564-09 Intermediate Rhymes    01:58 
564-10 spiel    00:20 
564-11 Fantasy land    02:39 
564-12 Program conclusion    00:19 
Program 563    14:27 
Program 564    15:07