Vistas of Israel 355-356

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
355-01 Jerusalem liberated    00:19 
355-01 program intro    00:48 
355-03 shofar at western w    00:39 
355-04 spiel    00:40 
355-05 Journalist testimoni    01:17 
355-06 intro Teddy Koleck    00:13 
355-07 Teddy Kolleck    01:00 
355-08 spiel    00:12 
355-09 reporter    00:38 
355-10 spiel from the old c    00:21 
355-11 Arab shopkeeper    01:00 
355-12 Mrs Rose    01:23 
355-13 Armenian Shopkeeper    01:34 
355-14 Gabriel Fellam    01:33 
355-15 Dennis Lukins    00:40 
355-16 Arab building contra    00:46 
355-17 credits    00:08 
355-18 program conclusion    00:38 
356-01 program intro    00:48 
356-02 intro program on Hag    01:38 
356-03 El Livne Hagalil    02:35 
356-04 intro Esther Reishta    00:28 
356-05 Ale Giva    03:58 
356-06 intro Netania Dovrat    00:37 
356-07 Ve Ulai    02:24 
356-08 intro Geula Gil    00:42 
356-09 Kineret fragment    00:26 
356-10 program conclusion    00:49 
Program 355    13:56 
Program 356    14:29