Vistas of Israel 571-572

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
571-01 program intro    00:18 
571-02 intro Rosh Hashana    01:00 
571-03 Shana Tova    01:17 
571-04 spiel    00:33 
571-05 Like a flock of shee    03:12 
571-06 spiel    00:20 
571-07 12 months    02:07 
571-08 intro The Rabbi s So    00:26 
571-09 Hashrei Ish    01:53 
571-10 intro Shlomo Carleba    00:25 
571-11 Zachreinu Lechaim    02:21 
571-12 Program conclusion    00:33 
572-01 program intro    00:18 
572-02 intro sukot    01:46 
572-03 Olekhim lakhad    01:49 
572-04 spiel    00:19 
572-05 Rejoice on the Festi    02:42 
572-06 spiel    00:26 
572-07 Prayer for rain    02:54 
572-08 spiel    00:27 
572-09 Hit the rock    02:19 
572-10 spiel    00:27 
572-11 Shlomo Carlebach fr    00:37 
572-12 Program conclusion    00:23 
Program 571    14:29 
Program 572    14:30