Vistas of Israel 401-402

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
401-01 program intro    00:45 
401-02 immigration center s    03:29 
401-03 interview Oltzvanger    01:02 
401-04 interview Oltzvanger    06:17 
401-05 Bible class    01:00 
401-06 intervew Mrs Lubish    01:27 
401-07 program conclusion    00:28 
402-01 program intro    00:48 
402-02 spiel    01:07 
402-03 Arise Jerusalem    02:06 
402-04 spiel    00:20 
402-05 song about Tel Aviv    01:05 
402-06 spiel    00:22 
402-07 song of the lighthou    02:59 
402-08 spiel    00:37 
402-09 song about Ber Sheba    02:12 
402-10 spiel    00:26 
402-11 Eilat song    01:39 
402-12 Program conclusion    00:39 
Program 401    14:31 
Program 402    14:23