Shalom Kleinlerer - Nusach Hatefila Tape I of IV - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 tfilat maariv    01:00 
1-02 nusach acher    02:09 
1-03 nusach bet    03:32 
1-04 nusach ashkenaz    00:15 
1-05 nusach sfarad    01:01 
1-06 leshabat    03:04 
1-07 nusach sfarad chatzi kaddish    05:42 
1-08 kiddush leil rosh hashana    03:50 
1-09 oitsos sefer tora    03:39 
1-10 nusach bet    06:04 
1-11 asheyorom    02:23 
2-01 hineni h'ani    07:13 
2-02 chatzi kaddish    00:43 
2-03 nusach sfarad    05:22 
2-04 ovos    03:12 
2-05 nusach bet leovos    04:03 
2-06    00:35 
2-07 zochrenu lechaim    01:15 
2-08 nusach sfarad    00:16 
2-09    02:32 
2-10    00:41 
2-11    01:10 
2-12    03:40 
2-13    00:25 
2-14 u'nesaneh tokef    04:17