Shlomo Carlebach - At the Village Gate - Issue 3

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-0 Side 1 Complete    23:52 
1-1 p'schu li    05:12 
1-2 h'sna'ari    04:49 
1-3 rachem    05:27 
1-4 v'chol hachayim    04:08 
1-5 hashmi'ni    04:18 
2-0 Side 2 Complete    24:46 
2-1 yomin v'smohl    03:17 
2-2 eso einai    05:49 
2-3 v'zocher    07:42 
2-4 ma'ani sfilosi    03:13 
2-5 yisborach shimcho    04:47