Hanna Tiferet - Olamama - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Wake Up Shema    04:01 
1-2 S'fatai Tiftach    02:43 
1-3 baruch she'amar    03:42 
1-4 eheyeh    04:36 
1-5 kedusha    02:10 
1-6 ahallela yah    03:28 
1-7 shema koleynu    04:51 
1-8 Olamama    04:52 
2-1 v'hi she'amda    02:52 
2-2 hachodesh hazeh - Rosh Chodesh Song    02:53 
2-3 Waters of Healing    04:18 
2-4 Hunger in the Land    03:37 
2-5 ufros aleynu    03:22 
2-6 Shabbat Blessing    04:44 
2-7 sabeynu    03:03 
2-8 Bedtime Shema    03:08 
2-9 tefilat haderech - Prayer for a Journey    04:44