Or Chadash - New Paths for Shabbat Morning - Companion Tape Volume 1 - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 niggun    04:13 
1-02 shalom    03:26 
1-03 Morning Blessings    02:44 
1-04 nishmat    02:55 
1-05 As the Deer Yearns    03:24 
1-06 vi'hi noam    03:07 
1-07 hallelujah 150    01:27 
1-08 ya ribnon    03:44 
1-09 or hadash    01:57 
1-10 sh'ma    03:04 
2-01 sh'ma    01:55 
2-02 v'ahavta    01:58 
2-03 mi chamocha    01:39 
2-04 mi chamocha    02:12 
2-05 mi khamokha    02:13 
2-06 v'shamru    01:00 
2-07 Sarah and Hagar    03:14 
2-08 shaalu shalom yerushalayim    02:48 
2-09 sim shalom    01:16 
2-10 May the Words    01:22 
2-11 yi'h'yu l'ratzon    02:21 
2-12 Holy Mountain    02:15 
2-13 Open to Me    03:18