Festival of Arab Music in Israel

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
A 1000 Nights    03:14Broadcasting Orchestra and the Piamenta Group 
afuulu    06:20Shadayt al-Karmil 
Arab dance    02:35Francois Nikudam 
Classical sequence of songs -- Muwash'haat    10:02Broadcasting House singers 
Egyptian folk medley    07:25Fayeeza Rushdi 
Iraqi folk medley    06:31 
journey of love    03:08 
Lebanese-syrian folk medley    07:12Moshe Eliyahu 
Let us rejoice    02:23Entire singing cast 
shu bada    02:45Naim, Diane and David 
The way of light    04:52 
zuruni    03:12Broadcasting Orchestra and the Piamenta Group