Markus Blechman Collection - from Stanley Newfield - Blue Mailer - HMK7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-00 Side 1 Complete    46:30 
1-01 omar rabbi elosor - Rosenblatt    05:20 
1-02 tikanto shabbos - Rosenblatt    04:30 
1-03 habet mishomaim - Rosenblatt    08:46 
1-04 elokay neshomo - Rosenblatt    05:01 
1-05 shomer yisroel - Roseblatt    04:52 
1-06 melech al kol haolam - Rosenblatt    04:51 
1-07 haben yakir li - Roseblatt    04:27 
1-08 kol nidre - Rosenblatt    03:52 
1-09 el mole rachamim - Rosenblatt    03:39 
1-10 talk    01:08 
2-00 Side 2 Complete    45:17 
2-01 yerushalayim ircho - Rosenblatt    03:47 
2-02 tikun purkam - Rosenblatt    03:49 
2-03 umipnei chatoenu - Rosenblatt    06:24 
2-04 achenu kol bet israel - Rosenblatt    06:55 
2-05 odom yesodoi meofer - Kwartin    04:42 
2-06 avinu malkenu - Kwartin    04:49 
2-07 Amelita Galli-Curci    05:00 
2-08 Listen to the Mocking Bird - Alma Gluck    04:33 
2-09 Covatina - Mischa Elman    05:13