Barber Collection - Tape B38b Charlie Bernhaut show and other stuff - HMK7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 talk in Yiddish    01:11 
1-02 Yankel Erblich    03:29 
1-03 Avraham Fried    05:33 
1-04 Program    36:56 
1-05 Ben Zion Shenker    05:16 
1-06 Moshe Koussevitsky    10:20 
1-07 intro name that chazan    01:35 
1-08 mystery chazan 1    03:59 
1-09 mystery chazan 2    06:37 
1-10 introducing cantor 3    00:54 
1-11 mystery chazan 3    06:01 
1-12 introducing cantor 3 bis    01:47 
1-13 mystery chazan 3 bis fragment    00:32 
2-01 Program    19:53 
2-02 mystery chazan 3 bis    06:30 
2-03 talk    04:42 
2-04 mystery chazan 4    02:34 
2-05 Mordechay Hershman    04:55 
2-06 and the chazans are    01:16 
2-07 Shlomo Carlebach    06:58 
2-08 off the air radio - Toronto Zemer Orch    10:15 
2-09 random bit off the air radio    00:44 
2-10 Miami Boys Choir    04:13 
2-11 Shalheves Boys Choir    03:29 
2-12 talk    01:37