Barber Collection - Tape B107 Charlie Bernhaut Show - HMK7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 Program    11:08 
1-02    04:33 
1-03 Pinchas Cohen    06:35 
1-04 Program    18:20 
1-05 Introducing Avraham Brin    01:49 
1-06 Avraham Brin - chopped    06:16 
1-07 introducing David Kussevitsky    01:15 
1-08 David Kussevitsky    08:56 
2-01 Program    31:25 
2-02 Leib Glantz    04:27 
2-03 Samuel Malavsky    04:15 
2-04 Pierre Pinchik    05:00 
2-05 error    03:51 
2-06 Gershon Sirota    04:10 
2-07 introducing Alter Yechiel Karniol    00:44 
2-08 Alter Yechiel Karniol    04:18 
2-09 Zindel Sapoznik    02:36 
2-10 Eshayas Meisels    02:02