Barber Collection - Tape B135 Charlie Bernhaut Show - HMK7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-0 Side 1 Complete    47:18 
1-1    00:34 
1-10 David Roitman    05:20 
1-11 Josef Shlisky    05:35 
1-12 Leibele Waldman    04:43 
1-2 Shlomo Gronich and the Sheba Choir    05:04 
1-3 Leibele Waldman    03:47 
1-4    03:00 
1-5 Mizmor Shir    02:45 
1-6    05:12 
1-7 Mordechay Hershman    05:02 
1-8 talk    01:12 
1-9 Moshe Ganchoff    04:52