Beth Anne Cole - Song Under The Stair Yiddish Songs - K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 tumba    02:42 
1-2 tsvey taybelekh    02:59 
1-3 dos pastuchl    04:33 
1-4 teire malke    02:32 
1-5 chatskele    01:20 
1-6 her nor du sheyn meydele    03:51 
1-7 shlof shlof shlof    02:06 
2-1 freylach    01:53 
2-2 vizhe vilstu    02:10 
2-3 mit a nodl    03:16 
2-4 All the Way Home    02:31 
2-5 dremlen feygl oyf di tsvaygn    02:36 
2-6 Song Under the Stair    03:37